Weighbridge Installation for TanRoads

Weighbridge with Law Enforcement Software Installed for TanRoads, Tanzania

Posted on: October 30th 2009   •   Posted in: Case Studies, Public Sector, Transport and Logistics

TanRoads, the government department in charge of the highways in Tanzania have purchased one of Griffith Elder’s new Plug and Weigh™ digital Multi-Axle weighbridges to assist with their crackdown on overloaded vehicles.

The weighbridge is ideal for providing axle group weights, as well as overall vehicle weights. Multi-Axles are a great, affordable and space-efficient alternative to a Full-Sized Weighbridge for companies with space or budget limitations.

The Multi-Axle weighbridge provided to TanRoads comes with a PC-based system using Griffith Elder’s latest Ton-Tel Law Enforcement Software, this categorises the vehicle by type and automatically calculates the fine applicable to the overloaded vehicle; according to the weights shown on the display.

Get in touch with us today for more information on our Multi-Axle Weighbridges. Contact us at sales@griffith-elder.com or at +44 (0) 1284 719619. Alternatively, please browse our website to see our full selection of weighbridges, on-board weighing, industrial weighing scales, components and software, designed in-house for maximum control.

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