The Ton-Tel™ Biogas Software is designed for ease of use. In order to limit the likelihood of operator error, set associations can be made between for example; supplier, crop type, crop variety, clamp.
With a driver identification system in place, bulk changes can be applied, such as change in crop variety. When a weight is obtained by a means other than the associated weighbridge, it can be entered manually by an operator with sufficient privileges.
When a trailer load is sourced from two different fields, the proportion of crop that was harvested from each field can be split and then added to the system. The weights from that field can then be automatically calculated to maintain accurate field yield records.
Unfinished tickets will remain in the uncompleted tickets box, which is featured on the main screen so that they are easy for the operator to access. With a vehicle identification system in place, the software will automatically bring up a ticket that is populated with the relevant data ready to capture a steady weight.