Grain Storage Software

Improved Grain Storage Software

Posted on: June 30th 2015   •   Posted in: Agricultural News, News

Griffith Elder have improved their Ton-TelTM  Grain Storage Software specifically designed for grain storage businesses and modern farms.

Automatic Integration with Grain Analysis Results

Grain sample results are automatically stored onto the weighbridge ticket and into the software database at the point of receipt and dispatch, removing errors with data entry and saving time to record all results. Labels can be printed for sample bags & reports are easily produced. Working with Foss the latest updates include automatic data capture from the Infratec Nova into the Griffith Elder Ton-Tel Software.

Authorise Receipt & Dispatch of Grain

Confidently accept grain in or out of the store. Each crop is pre-defined in the Ton-TelTM Software to include all necessary laboratory tests and each test has acceptable parameters. Should any result fall outside the required quality requirements an authorisation code must be entered. Costly mistakes are removed from the company operations by keeping the quality control in the hands of the company decision makers.

Just two additions to an already comprehensive Grain Storage Software Solution. For further details click on the link below or contact us via email or telephone.

For further details view our Ton-Tel Ultimate Crop Storage Software page

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